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Kollaborációs Portál
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The National Information Infrastructure Development (NIIF) Program serves as a framework for the development and operation of the research network in Hungary. The Program covers the entire Hungarian academic, research and public collection community by providing them a wide range of communication, information, and co-operation services.

The Hungarian Research and Education Network coordinated by the NIIF, using the new developments and the revolutionary new infrastructural base of the millenarian ages, and developed a new communication and collaboration platform for it's community.

NIIF are developing and using the most advanced, leading edge collaboration technologies on top of IP network.

The need for Voice and Video communication over NIIF network came up first in 2000-2002. After the first survey, and proposal the development started very quickly. The survey result showed that there is a very big demand for realtime communication platforms like VoIP or Videoconferencing. After the fist Lab Test, Researching and Pilot Testing, the VoIP service started on 2002/2003 founded by Minstry of Education, and Ministry of Communication. New equipments(sw/hw) were bought and integrated into the Institution and NIIF backbone network as a SIP based communication platform.

The development started with the outplacement of 35 VoIP gateway that was bought in the beginning of 2003. In June of 2003 was the tender and public procurement of dial out service, to open reachability to POTS/PSTN network. The tender for the service strength the competition between incumbent and alternative PSTN service providers, and the competition results finally very small call rates. So from the mid of 2003 the Hungarian Research and Education Community received a leading edge SIP based full functional VoIP platform, connecting together the Institution and rest POTS world.
tarted with the outplacement of 35 VoIP gateway that was bought in the beginning of 2003. In June of 2003 was the tender and public procurement of dial out service, to open reachability to POTS/PSTN network. The tender for the service strength the competition between incumbent and alternative PSTN service providers, and the competition results finally very small call rates. So from the mid of 2003 the Hungarian Reasearch and Education Community received a leading edge SIP based full functional VoIP platform, connecting together the Institution and rest POTS world.
In 2003 the videoconferencing project officially started also with the first public procurement. NIIF bought 40 endpoints and one Multipoint Control Unit(MCU) and with an open source gatekeeper integrated into a H.323 based videocommunication network. NIIF was pioneer in Hungary by introducing such a big deployment of realtime professional quality 2 way communication platform with presentation transmission support.

In 2006 seamlessly changed the VoIP operation from outsource to in house operation.
NIIF collaboration platforms and services, service quality have been staying continuously on very high level.

NIIF is providing technical support for the community and developing these services continuously.
Both services are very popular from the beginning.

NIIF is improving continuously it's Voice Video Collaboration(vvc) network, what it is provided for Researchers and Education and Public Collection Community members, and this form made an excellent base to save time and money with collaborating in leading edge way.